تعليم وتعلم اللغة الانجليزية

Mirror, mirror ……….; error!

Looking in the mirror, you await a reflection of not only how the cover look, but of the pages in the book. However, you fathom how far from possible that is. Mirrors act like the eyes of those around us. They can see the outside of us but are inept to crack the ambiguities of the inside. Nevertheless, some still act as judges who believe they could make a list of the characteristics that describe you. They attach you to certain traits of their craft depending on the mere reflection of their eyes. Is any body of thoughts in a place to throw convictions over you? Certainly no.

Peculiar how dare some could get in tagging us with some attributes counting on the sheer faulty reproductions of our character. Your facial expressions are distorted. Your actions are misinterpreted. You are what they want you to be. Your self esteem is over confidence. It is arrogance. The values you live by are worthless. They are insignificant. Your fight for them is pointless. Whatever endeavour you take to persuade them towards your standards is futile no matter how truly humane your values are. The way the majority see you is a faulty image whereas the minority’s alleged assumptions are the true ones.

However, if you try to figure out the reason why some people have the tendency towards tagging you, you’ll eventually realise that whatever verdict they accuse you of is a way of getting it out of themselves. It is an act of dropping charges off their shoulders and placing them on you. They are taking off a costume for a period to see how bad it could look on you. The negativity they hold inside of them is reflected in how they view scenes and souls. You don’t look pompous because you are but because their mind has been infected with the pride running in their veins. They have been haunted by their poor values to the extent that the case of another value taking over their beliefs is a sin. The self esteem you’re lifted with is so dangerous to them. Consequently, they attempt to deploy the reluctance keeping them where they have always been. The image they try to tag you with is a technique to make you inferior. It is a way of making you look pathetic, despicable and unworthy of attention. They strive to push you off the cliff through tossing you with hurtful terms being harmful not just to your ears but to your heart as well. They act like the sea waves wiping sandcastles away assuming they have vanished. But, they actually haven’t.

Those castles have resided the seabed where the finest coral reefs grow. You might get disappointed by the amount of harm you’re fed regularly but the stamina you’ve been gifted stands in defence. God has formed you in a formula which smashes all malice away. Your inner serene soul has no place for spite. You could neither see wickedness nor act in its accounts. Your belief in God has given birth to the faith you hold for yourself because you know you are the most unique creature on earth and that whoever tries to underestimate you is missing the confidence that shines on your face and eyes. Be all ears to your own voice and turn a blind eye to the mirrors all around.

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معلمة لغة انجليزية لأكثر من 13 سنة.حاصلة على شهادة آيلتس بمستوى 7 مرتان وبمستوى 7.5 في سنة 2020 .مشاركة في تقديم  برنامج درس على الهواء للصف الثاني عشر لمادة مهارات اللغة الانجليزية.  

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