تعليم وتعلم اللغة الانجليزية


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Get lost barrier ! Or be my carrier!

Full is life of miseries, hardships and setbacks. Going through such experiences could make you lock yourself up and get isolated from all cases of progress. You’ve been bombarded by masses of obstacles which cause your way to be thorny and risky to walk along. You can’t seem to hold on. You’ve tolerated enough misfortune and it is no longer possible. You decide to stay static with no motion. Not an attempt. No search for a solution. No analysis of whatever sort. You choose to surrender to the barriers hindering you from getting where you’re supposed to be. But question yourself here: are you going to be satisfied with you being the spectator watching and cheering for all others when you should be rejoicing in your own achievements?

I am aware of what you’re dealing with. After all, how much distress could your heart bear. How much weight could you lift on your back? how much difficulty could you put up with? I don’t expect you to ignore the ordeals you’ve lived. That would be mean of me. It is not an easy task to come over what made you suffer. Neither it is to pretend like nothing happened. I will just ask you to try to free yourself of all the thoughts haunting you. Be they positive or negative. Picture them as steps piling in front of you to form stairs to a higher place for being. By higher I don’t mean in comparison to sea level but to the level of your realisation. You go up the stairs stepping on those thoughts to generate a mass of energy that pushes you a head of the here and now. Float alone on the nowhere and picture only you surrounded by all the attention, care and love you could afford to give.

I hope you’ve gained enough perception of where am escorting you. You might’ve been for long imprisoned by the barriers that were holding you back and deterring you from making any progress. However, you’ve managed to convert that blockage to a transporter. It acts as a carrier that moves you to an arena where you are the only one that matters. You work for the best of you. And fight against your fright using your potential might. You immerge and surge with the wind of your own power shattering any case of hesitancy. Your light is evident in the sight of any bystander for your glow is so patent and unescapable.

I would love to terminate our journey with a phrase you need not neglect nor forget: “ Any barrier you’re faced with is meant to be your carrier to a life that is merrier.”

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معلمة لغة انجليزية لأكثر من 13 سنة.حاصلة على شهادة آيلتس بمستوى 7 مرتان وبمستوى 7.5 في سنة 2020 .مشاركة في تقديم  برنامج درس على الهواء للصف الثاني عشر لمادة مهارات اللغة الانجليزية.  

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