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Dear failure, you are my saviour!

What’s in a triumph? How appealing is it to you to be victorious? Rather, how significant? Do you incessantly keep success in mind whenever joining a battle? Does losing intimidate you? Does even the thought of it scare you? Is winning an indispensable want the absence of which could devastate you? To how extent are you haunted by perfectionism? Is the sparkle of the stars above seem to always pull you towards them? Are you dazzled by the glowing moon and wish you were the light at a dark night with the condition that you are your own source of light?

To put it straightforward, heroism is linked to idolism. An idol is one who’s mostly viewed as the best. So, the human nature entitles us to always strive to reach the top and mark few instances of losses not to stain our reputation. Ranking lower than the summit is a stigma that would make our surroundings think low of us. Our ego calls from within for more upwardness, attainments and trophies. But, let’s conjecture living a dreamily paved life void of any pitfalls or failures. Is it plausible? Is it even desirable?

Let’s assume defeats were non-existent. And, trial and error were inapplicable. Add to that the absence of mistakes. What is a solution without a problem? Would overcoming dilemmas matter in their absence? Is it possible to sustain the tendency of perseverance in a world lacking hurdles? How could the human mind operate with no ambiguity to decipher? Why start over if the start is already perfect? Is there a place for resistance in a world ruled by satisfaction?

Now, think of it in personal terms. Would you make any effort at a test knowing in advance that all takers are passers? How much energy would you spend in a game which you’re destined to win? Would you have the chance to witness the amazing things called tears and hence feel the comfort of wiping them off? Wouldn’t you be curious to discover the real true friends tabbing on your shoulders to cheer you up? What about the good in you? Wouldn’t you long to sympathise with a sad soul to sieve its sorrow?

My last but of utmost value note is directed to every case of failure I’ve been through. Dear failure, I wouldn’t have reflected on my flaws if you didn’t exist. Had I not the honour of running into you, I wouldn’t have savoured the amusement of a second try. You prolong my endeavour in life journeys. You are a philosophy behind a longstanding tactic that we don’t only find salvation in satisfaction but in starvation as well. We crave the loss as much as victory. Never let go of the saviour you’re gifted with in every failure.

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معلمة لغة انجليزية لأكثر من 13 سنة.حاصلة على شهادة آيلتس بمستوى 7 مرتان وبمستوى 7.5 في سنة 2020 .مشاركة في تقديم  برنامج درس على الهواء للصف الثاني عشر لمادة مهارات اللغة الانجليزية.  

4 thoughts on “Dear failure, you are my saviour!

  1. Excellent words that can help to enlight ones life and give him the power to face difficulties with hope for better result. ❤️

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