تعليم وتعلم اللغة الانجليزية


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In compliance pose before what they impose !

Choice is an invoice of your own voice. The initiation of controversy ruled by communism rather than democracy. The realisation of a combat termination taking place between your mind and heart. It is a word of mouth. A blink of an eye. The echo of a sound. It is an act of clairvoyance. It’s a plea made by you for you. It is a shimmering odd one out. It is a decision-making strategy that works as the cornerstone of the decision.

You study all the odds in hand or ones by which you’re bound. You recall past records and envision the days to come. You visualise the good of it in a virtual being. You grin as pleasure passes by or ponder about the transformation that’s about to occur. You dream of it day and night and count days in and out. You peek at what it looks like there atop the peak. You rejoice as your heydays unveil. You thrive and blossom in your bosom.

Suddenly, you’re in a position where you’re about to be deprived of all that harmony you treasure. You’re asked to live a predesigned state with no intervention on your side. You played no role in the actualisation of a theatre where you stand. You observe the action unable to generate any reaction. You crave some bravery not to be crushed by the incomprehensible rivalry. You, in the scene of it, gave in. However, backstage hides it all.

Your choice of not reacting was the result of a deeply rooted conviction that impositions do at some instance deserve acquiescence. We get imposed for the sake of other’s good. Others who might’ve at some time been imposed upon something against their will. Others who have gone through tough times because having a choice could ruin their lives. They are incapable of bearing the burden of making a choice and falling apart afterwards for having made a failure.

Or, choosing to surrender to any obligation, on your own accord, is a route to redemption and freeing oneself from any dispute that may arise. Consenting to the orders of a trespasser is lifesaving in war zones. You concede to grant yourself salvation. Let them impose their commands on you. Meanwhile, before their eyes in compliance you pose.

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معلمة لغة انجليزية لأكثر من 13 سنة.حاصلة على شهادة آيلتس بمستوى 7 مرتان وبمستوى 7.5 في سنة 2020 .مشاركة في تقديم  برنامج درس على الهواء للصف الثاني عشر لمادة مهارات اللغة الانجليزية.  

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