تعليم وتعلم اللغة الانجليزية

Accept once inspection is a din in the head !

Throughout your life encounters, you get tested for several capabilities. Among those not only subject relevant matters but ones which could be examining your social intelligence. In many a case, you come across situations where acceptance seems to be the best reaction. However, at other times you can’t but inspect.

Nevertheless, inspection sometimes proves to be a dispensable act. Examining a diamond will turn it into coal. We live some moments in which silence, absorption of anger and succumbing to quietness saves us the repercussions of having spelled out an unfathomed utterance.

Digging too deep is getting yourself trapped. If engaged in a dispute, proving one is right isn’t the only end mark. Withdrawal is one as well. Not as a sign of defeat. Rather a signal that the continuance of an argument marks the end of sense.

You’d better sustain your reason and accept that sensible is not a virtue of all around you. Scrutiny could cause you eye sore and mislead you to trivial matters.

Accept once inspection is evident to be a din in the head.

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معلمة لغة انجليزية لأكثر من 13 سنة.حاصلة على شهادة آيلتس بمستوى 7 مرتان وبمستوى 7.5 في سنة 2020 .مشاركة في تقديم  برنامج درس على الهواء للصف الثاني عشر لمادة مهارات اللغة الانجليزية.  

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