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Body Language Flash Cards
Six pages of flash cards featuring examples of gestures with the their meanings.
كيف قضيت وقتك؟
نشاط لأول يوم في المدرسة لطلاب الحلقة الأولى. تقوم المعلمة بقراءة عشوائية ويقوم الطالب بالشطب في حال قام بالنشاط المذكور. الطالب الذي يكون صف أو عمود متكامل هو الفائز.
دفتر ملاحظات
16.50$Add to basketA good notebook can help you with motivation to take more notes, write down ideas, or list future dreams. This custom wire-bound notebook will be a great daily companion whenever you need to put your thoughts down on paper! • Covers with soft-touch coating • Cover weight: 10.38 oz/yd² (352 g/m²) • Page weight: 2.62 …
Grade 11 Semester 2 Unit Planners, The Omani Curriculum
The unit planners of Grade 11 Themes for Semester 2 Curriculum
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Body Language Flash Cards
Six pages of flash cards featuring examples of gestures with the their meanings.
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